@extends('layouts.cms') @section('title','Buyer Dashboard') @section('content')


1. Service Fees:

I-Whiz will charge a flat Service Fee of:

a.   7% from the Buyer;

b.   7 % from the Supplier/ Distributor.

(Our Service Fees exclude any applicable conversion rates that may apply on any transactions charged by the third- party payment gateway but only when currency is required to be converted).

2. Subscription fees for storage:

Suppliers requiring storage to upload inventory on the I-Whiz Cloud Services shall be required to purchase a subscription plan depending on the size of the inventory on the platform:-

a. Free Plan - (1 GB)

b. Silver Plan - $5 AUD p/m (3 GB)

c. Gold Plan - $10 AUD p/m (5 GB)

(Subscriptions fees on storage are subject to be varied from time to time depending on User requirements and third party storage costs)

3. Taxes:

All amounts payable by Customer to I-Whiz under this Agreement save for the Service Fee % are exclusive of any tax, levy, GST, VAT or other relevant governmental charge that may be assessed by any jurisdiction (Taxes).


Subscription Plans

@if (Auth::guard()->user() && Auth::guard()->user()->role_id == 1)

Hey, as a buyer you are not required to purchase a subscription!!

@foreach($plans as $k=>$plan)
{{ $plan->title }}
@php $currency_code = getUserCurrency(); if(Auth::guard()->user()){ $currency_code = Auth::user()->currency_code; } @endphp {{ $currency_code == getBaseCurrency() ? format($plan->amount) : convert($plan->amount, getCurrencyData(getBaseCurrency())['rate'], getUserCurrency()) }}@if($plan->amount > 0)/{{ ucfirst($plan->plan_interval) }} @endif

    @foreach($plan->subscription_plan_features as $feature) @if(!empty($feature->value))
  • {{ array_key_exists($feature->title,Config::get('constant.plan_features')) ? $feature->value.' '.Config::get('constant.plan_features')[$feature->title]:'' }}
  • @endif @endforeach {{--
  • 100 Max Product Uploads
  • --}} {{--
  • Single User
  • 5GB Storage
  • Unlimited Public Projects
  • Community Access
  • Unlimited Private Projects
  • Dedicated Phone Support
  • Free Subdomain
  • Monthly Status Reports
  • --}}
@php if(Auth::guard()->user()){ $is_Active = Auth::user()->subscribedToPlan($plan->stripe_plan_id, 'main'); if(!$is_Active && $plan->amount < 1){ //$is_Active = true; } }else{ $is_Active = false; } @endphp @if ($plan->amount < 1) Join @else @if(!$is_Active) Buy @else Active @endif @endif