@section('title','Review Supplier')
@include('partials.headerbanner',['title'=> 'Subscription Plan Form','banner' => asset('images/banners/subscription.jpg')])
{{ 'Subscription Plan Form' }}
Subscribe your plan
By clicking on the "Subscribe" button. you agree to I-Whiz's privacy and term & conditions.
Payment Method
Cradit card(Visa/Master)
- Plan Summary
- Plan {{ $plan->title }}
- Plan Duration {{ ucfirst($plan->plan_interval) }}
@if(Auth::user()->currency_code == "AUD")
$fee = iwhiz_fee();
$gst_tax = ($fee['gst_tax']/100) * $plan->amount;
- GST Tax
{{ Auth::user()->currency_code == getBaseCurrency() ? format($gst_tax) : convert($gst_tax, getCurrencyData(getBaseCurrency())['rate'], getUserCurrency(), true) }}
{{-- - Trail Days {{ $plan->trail_days }} Days
- Amount {{ Auth::user()->currency_code == getBaseCurrency() ? format($plan->amount) : convert($plan->amount, getCurrencyData(getBaseCurrency())['rate'], getUserCurrency(), true) }}
@if(Auth::user()->currency_code == "AUD")
- Total Amount {{ Auth::user()->currency_code == getBaseCurrency() ? format($plan->amount + $gst_tax) : convert(($plan->amount + $gst_tax), getCurrencyData(getBaseCurrency())['rate'], getUserCurrency(), true) }}
{!! Html::script('https://js.stripe.com/v2/') !!}