@extends('layouts.admin.master') @section('title', !empty($emailHook) ? 'Edit Email Hook' : 'Add Email Hook') @section('content') @include('layouts.admin.flash.alert') Manage Email Hooks Here you can {{ !empty($emailHook) ? 'edit' : 'add' }} email hook(slug) Home {{ __("Hooks") }} {{ !empty($emailHook) ? 'Edit Email Hook' : 'Add Email Hook' }} {{ !empty($emailHook) ? 'Edit Email Hook' : 'Add Email Hook' }} Back @csrf @if (!empty($emailHook)) @method('PUT') @endif Title title : '') }}" placeholder="Title" required="required" maxlength="150" id="title"> Hook slug : '') }}" placeholder="Hook" maxlength="150" id="slug"> No space, separate each word with underscore. (if you want auto generated then please leave blank) Description {{ old("description") ? old("description") : (!empty($emailHook) ? $emailHook->description : '') }} Status description : null)) === 1 ? "selected='selected'":"" }} value="1">Active description : null)) === 0 ? "selected='selected'":"" }} value="0">Inactive Last updated email hooks @endsection
No space, separate each word with underscore. (if you want auto generated then please leave blank)